Documents - Mali (F)

15 documents on Mali (F)

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  1. Investment funds local SME - Transactions - SC&BD - Suguba

    Suguba aims to support young entrepreneurs in Mali, Senegal and Ivory Coast.

    Publication | 07-07-2017

  2. Exporting Dutch SME - Transactions - Ambulances in Mali I

    The transaction involves the suply of 10 Toyota medical transport vehicles and 450 tricycle ambulances, including medical and ...

    Publication | 21-12-2016

  3. Exporting Dutch SME - Transactions - Ambulances in Mali III

    The transaction involves the supply of 22 Toyota Hilux medical vehicles, including medical and communication equipment and work ...

    Publication | 31-08-2016

  4. Exporting Dutch SME - Transactions - Ambulances in Mali II

    The transaction involves the supply of 44 tricycle ambulances, including medical and communication equipment, and work procedures.

    Publication | 10-08-2016

  5. Exporting Dutch SME - Transactions - Ambulances in Mali IV

    The delivery of 20 medical transport ambulances,medical equipment communication devises and training.

    Publication | 13-05-2015

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