
511 documents

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  1. DGGF Impact Report 2024

    The 2024 impact report of DGGF Financing Local SMEs. This impact report reflects on the past decade of facilitating SME finance ...

    Publication | 22-10-2024

  2. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Inside Equity Fund II

    Inside Equity Fund (IEF) II is a 10-year closed-end investment fund targeting SMEs in Southeast Africa. The Fund’s objective is ...

    Publication | 07-08-2024

  3. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Bank Lviv

    Bank Lviv is a financial institution that operates in Western Ukraine. The bank has a Gross Loan Portfolio of over EUR 121m and ...

    Publication | 18-07-2024

  4. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - Saviu Fund II

    Publication | 09-07-2024

  5. African Angel Investment Survey Report 2023

    Research, commissioned by DGGF and implemented by Briter Bridges in partnership with African Angel Business Network (ABAN) and ...

    Report | 02-07-2024

  6. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Microinvest

    Created in 2003, Microinvest has become the leading player in the non bank financial sector of Moldova. Microinvest’s distinctive ...

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  7. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - LoftyInc Alpha Fund

    LoftyInc Alpha Fund, LLC is a 10-year closed-end venture capital investment fund targeting startups in Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt and ...

    Publication | 02-07-2024

  8. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - Foxmont Philippine Ventures Fund III

    Foxmont III is a Venture Capital firm operating in the Philippines that invests in SMEs through equity and quasi equity ...

    Publication | 05-06-2024

  9. Deep Dive - Demonstration effect and other catalytic effects - DGGF Financing local SMEs

    In 2023 DGGF commissioned a study to establish the demonstration and other catalytic effects it has achieved to attract further ...

    Report | 31-05-2024

  10. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - Baobab Côte d’Ivoire

    Baobab Côte d’Ivoire (BCI) is a deposit-taking financial institution providing micro-loans and SME loans as well as insurance and ...

    Publication | 27-05-2024