
511 documents

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  1. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Salkantay Exponential Fund - Peru

    DGGF transaction in the form of a loan to Salkantay Exponential Fund targeting at start-ups across the Pacific Alliance trade ...

    Publication | 19-08-2022

  2. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - transaction - ornamental plant cutting production - Ethiopia

    DGGF transaction for an investment by Selecta Holland B.V. which will be growing cuttings on a piece of land with a horticultural ...

    Publication | 16-08-2022

  3. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - hatchery equipment - Sudan

    DGGF transaction involving the delivery of hatchery equipment by a Dutch exporter to a private buyer in Sudan.

    Publication | 16-08-2022

  4. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - solar systems - Mozambique

    DGGF transaction for the delivery of Energy Kits by a Dutch exporter to a local distributor in Mozambique.

    Publication | 16-08-2022

  5. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - solar energy systems - Zimbabwe

    Transaction involves the delivery of turnkey solar energy systems by a Dutch exporter for business operations in Zimbabwe.

    Publication | 15-08-2022

  6. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - OceanHub Africa

    Transaction for DGGF's Seed Capital and Business Development facility (SC&BD) supporting OceanHub Africa (OHA).

    Publication | 09-08-2022

  7. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - JSC Credo Bank (renewal) - Georgia

    DGGF transaction for a loan to JSC Credo Bank, market leader in individual rural lending in Georgia.

    Publication | 09-08-2022

  8. ESG Policy - Financing local SMEs

    ESG policy for DGGF track Financing Local SMEs in emerging markets and developing countries via intermediary funds. Read more.

    Publication | 04-08-2022

  9. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - Fire safety systems - Iraq

    DGGF transaction involving the delivery of fire safety systems for storage tanks in Iraq by a Dutch exporter.

    Publication | 20-07-2022

  10. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - solar energy systems - Kenya

    Transaction for the delivery of turnkey solar energy systems by a Dutch exporter for business operations in Kenya. Therefore an ...

    Publication | 18-07-2022