
511 documents

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  1. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - Baobab Burkina Faso

    Baobab Burkina Faso (BBF) is one of the leading deposit-taking MFIs operating in Burkina Faso since 2016. BBF provides credit ...

    Publication | 27-05-2024

  2. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - SBK Emerge Fund

    SBK Emerge Fund is among the first institutional venture capital funds to be established to in Bangladesh. SBK Emerge Fund’s ...

    Publication | 21-05-2024

  3. Investment funds in local SMEs - Proposed transaction - Salt Equity Fund I

    Salt Equity Fund I is a 10-year closed-end investment fund that will typically invest in owner operated companies in the Southern ...

    Publication | 14-05-2024

  4. Factsheet - Dutch Good Growth Fund

    The DGGF aims to improve the access to finance for ‘missing middle’ SMEs in selected countries by investing through funds and ...

    Publication | 19-04-2024

  5. Factsheet - Support to DGGF investees

    The Seed Capital and Business Development (SC&BD) facility aims to strengthen the impact of the DGGF investment portfolio by ...

    Publication | 19-04-2024

  6. Factsheet - Ecosystem Development

    To enhance the chances of young and first-time entrepreneurs operating in migration-prone areas and improve the conduciveness of ...

    Publication | 19-04-2024

  7. Factsheet - Seed Capital SME Financing Initiatives

    In order to spur innovations in SME finance and move the finance frontier to underserved SME markets, the DGGF has a Seed Capital ...

    Publication | 19-04-2024

  8. Investment funds in local SMEs - proposed transaction - KawiSafi Fund II

    KawiSafi Fund II L.P. is a 10-year closed-end late venture and early growth stage investment fund focused on companies in Africa. ...

    Publication | 20-03-2024

  9. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Wavemaker Impact Fund I

    Wavemaker Impact Fund I (WMI) is an emerging impact venture builder active in Southeast Asia. The primary objective of the fund ...

    Publication | 20-03-2024

  10. Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - ALIVE

    ALIVE Ventures is an investment firm focused on supporting early growth, mission driven SMEs in Latin America. DGGF has supported ...

    Publication | 28-02-2024