
508 documents

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  1. Investment fund local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - Kiu

    Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) provides venture debt to Kiu Global Limited (Kiu). This is an early-stage technology company aiming ...

    Publication | 31-03-2020

  2. Exporting Dutch Entrepreneurs - Factsheet

    More information on DGGF Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs.

    Publication | 11-03-2020

  3. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - ICSR policy

    More information on the ICSR policy for Exporting Dutch SME.

    Publication | 11-03-2020

  4. Investing Dutch entrepreneurs - Proposed transaction – Responsible knitwear production - Madagascar

    A Dutch knitwear producer with facilities in Madagascar invests in more efficient production and the use of renewable thermal ...

    Publication | 20-02-2020

  5. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - Transaction - Turnkey fish processing line - Djibouti

    The delivery by Weber Klimaattechniek concerns an expansion of the freezing capacity of an existing fish processing plant of the ...

    Publication | 13-02-2020

  6. Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - Transaction - Delivery energykits - Nigeria

    The transaction involves the delivery of 1,000 Rural Spark Energy Kits and the provision of training. The "energy kits" consist ...

    Publication | 13-02-2020

  7. #ClosingTheGap - Tunisie - Français

    Get a better understanding of the Tunisian entrepreneurial and financial ecosystem and get acquainted with the opportunities to ...

    Report | 12-02-2020

  8. #ClosingTheGap - Morocco - Français

    Get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Morocco by reading the new report (in Français).

    Publication | 12-02-2020

  9. #ClosingTheGap - Morocco - English

    Get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Morocco by reading the new report.

    Publication | 12-02-2020

  10. #ClosingTheGap - Tunisia - English

    Get a better understanding of the Tunisian entrepreneurial and financial ecosystem and get acquainted with the opportunities to ...

    Publication | 12-02-2020