
508 documents

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  1. #ClosingTheGap Mekong - Venturing into Vietnam (Vietnamese)

    The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF), in cooperation with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Vietnam, partners with Emerging Markets ...

    Publication | 29-05-2018

  2. #ClosingTheGap Mekong - Venturing into Vietnam

    The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF), in cooperation with the Embassy of the Netherlands in Vietnam, partners with Emerging Markets ...

    Publication | 29-05-2018

  3. New perspectives on financing small cap SME's in emerging markets

    SMEs form a crucial part of the economies of emerging countries. Limited access to finance for these SMEs is commonly seen as ...

    Publication | 18-05-2018

  4. Dutch Business in Africa - NABC Magazine

    1 December 2014 - The Netherlands-African Business Council dedicated their magazine to Dutch Business in Africa. The magazine ...

    Publication | 18-05-2018

  5. Publication of new perspectives on mezzanine finance for small cap SMEs in emerging markets

    1 June 2016 - In search for new models to provide risk capital, mezzanine finance, which blends elements from traditional Private ...

    Publication | 18-05-2018

  6. DGGF increases support to small businesses in Jordan

    The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) track ‘financing local SMEs through investment funds’, which a consortium of Triple Jump and ...

    Publication | 18-05-2018

  7. DGGF works with private equity fund in DR Congo to champion ESG on the ground

    It’s the Dutch Good Growth Fund’s (DGGF) ambition to generate impact where it is most needed and to play a role in strengthening ...

    Publication | 18-05-2018

  8. Investing Dutch SMEs - Conditions

    This document provides you with information about the conditions your application should meet in order to be eligible.

    Publication | 11-05-2018

  9. Exporting Dutch SMEs - Conditions

    This document provides you with information about the conditions your application should meet in order to be eligible for DGGF.

    Publication | 11-05-2018

  10. Quickscan - Investment fund local SMEs

    Form | 10-05-2018