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Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Bogd Bank
Bogd Bank LLC is one of the youngest commercial banks in Mongolia. DGGF funding will contribute to the scale up of Bogd Bank's ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Asia Business Builders II
Asia Business Builders II (ABB II) is a Private Equity firm domiciled in Singapore, operating in Vietnam. Building on the ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Investment Capital - Electronica Finance Limited
Electronica Finance Limited (Electronica) is a female led Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) in India, and the first NBFC ...
i2i Ventures - Knowledge paper
Since i2i Ventures is a bright example of a thriving capital fund despite a challenging context, DGGF decided to dedicate a ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - SBAN
Previous angel network models which have launched in Tanzania, required high annual individual investment contributions and ...
Investment fund local SMEs - Criteria
To qualify for direct financing from the DGGF, you must comply with at least the conditions as mentioned in the below published ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - Prestamype
Access to financial services is limited for many Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Latin America. To address this issue, ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - 249 Startups
249 Startups was established in April 2018 as the premier ecosystem enabler of early stage high growth entrepreneurships across ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - SC&BD - DGGF Academy
The MSME finance gap calls for targeted and innovative MSME (non)- finance initiatives. But there are limited places where to ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Sanadcom
Sanadcom for Business Finance (Sanadcom of SC) was established in 2014 to provide financing to small and medium-sized enterprises ...