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DGGF Impact Newsletter Q1 2023
DGGF Impact Newsletter update on Q1 2023 with articles and the latest news on DGGF’s key target groups: fragile states, youth and ...
Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - hybrid energy system - Nigeria
The proposed DGGF transaction involves the delivery of a hybrid energy system in Nigeria by a Dutch exporter. Therefor an export ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - FATEN (renewal) - Palestinian Territories
FATEN (Palestine for Credit & Development) is the leading microfinance institution (MFI) in the Palestinian Territories. DGGF's ...
Investing Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - Solar Park - Mali
Proposed investment in a Dutch company, specialized in developing solar power energy, which is planning to construct a Solar Park ...
DGGF Impact Report 2021
The Dutch Good Growth Fund - Financing Local SMEs (DGGF) was established in 2014 and has since worked on furthering access to ...
Investing Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - amaryllis bulbs - Peru
Proposed transaction for the financing of a Dutch company that has set up a production facility for the cultivation of amaryllis ...
Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - proposed transaction - Energy kits - Nigeria
The transaction involves the delivery of 2500 solar energy kits to a local distributor in Nigeria. The energy kits contain a ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Atlantica Ventures Fund I
DGGF transaction for the Atlantica Ventures Fund I (AFVI) targeting tech-enabled companies across Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, ...
Exporting Dutch entrepreneurs - transaction - Energy kits - Liberia
DGGF transaction for the delivery of 'Rural Spark Energy Kits' and the provision of training on the system to a distributor in ...
Investment funds in local SMEs - transaction - Baobab Mali - Mali
DGGF transaction in the form a loan to Baobab Mali, a microfinance institution (MFI) and part of the Baobab network.