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170 news items

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  1. MYOMY do goods launches the ultimate Fashion Revolution symbol

    Today, on the fifth anniversary of the greatest disaster ever to hit the textile industry, Dutch fashion brand MYOMY do goods ...

    News item | 24-04-2018 | 00:00

  2. Energy crops: healthier, more efficient, cheaper and cleaner than charcoal

    The Green Elephant is working towards the production of cheap and clean fuel in Uganda. The company is using the leftover stalks ...

    News item | 17-04-2018 | 14:51

  3. App transforms smartphones into centres of malaria expertise

    Social enterprise MOMALA is investing in a thorough and efficient method to diagnose malaria in Kenya. To help it achieve this ...

    News item | 17-04-2018 | 00:00

  4. Small-cap SME Mezzanine Finance Masterclass - Amsterdam 27 - 29 June 2018

    Apply to participate in a three-day training for investment professionals providing SME risk finance in emerging markets.

    News item | 16-04-2018 | 14:55

  5. DGGF closes third investment in India through commitment to Omnivore Fund II

    DGGF has invested in Omnivore Fund II, which had its first close in the first quarter of 2018.

    News item | 22-03-2018 | 14:18

  6. DGGF works with private equity fund in DR Congo to champion ESG on the ground

    It’s the Dutch Good Growth Fund’s (DGGF) ambition to generate impact where it is most needed and to play a role in strengthening ...

    News item | 02-02-2018 | 16:44

  7. First DGGF funding for investment in Colombia

    The Dutch-Colombian pig farm and training company HoCoTec is the first company to receive funding from the Dutch Good Growth Fund ...

    News item | 12-01-2018 | 14:22

  8. #ClosingTheGap Mekong - First stop: Phnom Penh

    On 12 December 2017, the local stakeholders from Cambodia's entrepreneurial ecosystem gathered in Phnom Penh to share their ...

    News item | 22-12-2017 | 14:23

  9. Launch of #ClosingTheGap Francophone West Africa report

    The first regional study covering Francophone West Africa in the Dutch Good Growth Fund #ClosingTheGap series is published!

    News item | 08-12-2017 | 16:52

  10. DGGF increases support to small businesses in Jordan

    The Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF) track Financing Local SMEs Through Investment Funds has just announced it is supporting Liwwa, ...

    News item | 01-12-2017 | 14:28