#ClosingTheGap in Francophone West-Africa

The second #ClosingTheGap region is Francophone West Africa. #ClosingTheGap addresses the entrepreneurial ecosystem of the “missing middle(s)” in Senegal, Guinea, Benin, Togo, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire.

To get a regional overview of the SME landscapes and the specific needs and challenges of the “missing middle(s)” in francophone West Africa, dive into the #ClosingTheGap regional report:

#ClosingTheGap Senegal

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event co-hosted with the Netherlands Embassy in Dakar – the first in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

Dive into the state-of-the-art entrepreneurial ecosystem study covering Senegal by reading the fifth report of the regional study covering francophone West Africa:

#ClosingTheGap Guinea

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event co-hosted with the ‘Agence de Promotion des Investissements Privés’ in Conakry – the second in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

Discover the Guinean entrepreneurial ecosystem and understand better the challenges faced but also the opportunities awaiting ‘missing middle’ enterprises in Guinea. This is the first report of the regional study covering francophone West Africa:

#ClosingTheGap Benin

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event hosted in Cotonou - the third in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

What does the SME landscape look like in Benin? What are the challenges faced by the different types of local enterprises and what financial and non-financial services exist to address those?  Get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Benin by reading the fourth report of the regional study covering francophone West Africa:

#ClosingTheGap Togo

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event hosted in Lomé - the fourth in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

Get a better understanding of the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Togo. This is the second report of the regional study covering francophone West Africa:

#ClosingTheGap Mali

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event hosted in Bamako – the fifth in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

In which environment do local entrepreneurs operate in Mali? Get more acquainted with the realities of doing business for small and medium-sized enterprises in Mali by reading the third report of the regional study covering francophone West Africa:

#ClosingTheGap Ivory Coast

Learn more about the #ClosingTheGap event hosted in Abidjan - the last one in the series of the francophone West Africa study:

Ivory Coast is the focus of the sixth and last country report part of the regional study covering francophone West Africa: